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    If you do not live in the area or you prefer to send or receive tax documents remotely:

We have a secure method available.

Send your documents over the internet, via “Client Exchange” from our professional software provider, TaxAct. It is secure, convenient and no cost to you.

   Simply contact us via phone, text or Email.  We will then send an Email invitation to you.  You would then click on the unique link in the Email invitation to create your account.  Then you can start exchanging documents with us. Your data is safe on TaxAct secure servers.


NOTE:   We are available for in-person appointments and we can often complete the return in one appointment.  If you require more than one appointment, you will have handed us your documents directly.

  If you have more questions,

call or text or Email:

   Adjust your witholding

You can adjust the withholding amount and the allowances you are claiming by completing a new Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate, and giving it to your employer. Recent tax changes or personal changes such as marriage or divorce, birth of a child, and changes in employment or income may mean that too little or too much tax is being withheld. If you need to have more money taken out of your paycheck, reduce the number of withholding allowances, or figure the additional amount of money that you would like withheld each pay period.


Click here for the W-4 form

       Other Helpful links

Health Insurance Issues


Go to for detailed information about the credit and how it works.

For additional information about the future impact of the Affordable Care Act, visit Affordable Care Act Tax Provisions on the IRS website.


IRS Monthly News Releases


Affordable Care Act

Several parts of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, will continue to change and they could impact your tax situation.


A “premium assistance credit” is available for taxpayers who get qualifying health insurance through a state or federal exchange.  This is often referred to as a subsidy.  Taxpayers whose income is between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty line may qualify if they do not have employer coverage.  How much credit a taxpayer receives will depend on their specific circumstances.

Premium Assistance Credit

The premium assistance credit will either be paid directly to the insurance company (resulting in lower monthly payments) or claimed when a taxpayer files their federal tax return.  There may be a difference between what a taxpayer receives in terms of lower health premiums and the credit that they may be entitled to.  This will be resolved when the taxpayer files their tax return.  If the taxpayer receives more than they are entitled to, they will be required to pay back some money when they file their return.  Any possible “credit” would first be used to reduce tax liability.  If the tax liability is reduced to zero and some of the credit remains, it will be paid as a tax refund or applied to estimated taxes for the next tax year.

Tax Prep

Lexington, IL 61753​
Bloomington, IL 61704
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PH: 1-309-261-3310

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